Safe Sex Practices

What You Need To Know About Safe Sex Practices

Safe sex is sexual activity that is engaged in with the intention of reducing the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancy. It involves the use of protective measures, such as condoms, dental dams, and/or other barriers, to reduce the risk of transmission and/or exposure to STIs and/or unintended pregnancy.

Safe sex practices can also be defined as all the measures put in place for protection against STIs/unwanted pregnancy in the course of an intimate act between sexual partners. This is to avoid the exchange of semen, blood, saliva or vaginal fluids between partners which may lead to sexually transmitted diseases/infection or unplanned pregnancy.

Before you embark on a sexual intercourse with your partner it is advisable you consider first your safety and that of your partner. Most times we want to have a ‘quickie’! The konji (libido) are running hay wire and we can’t hold on anymore. Hey! Stop and have a rethink before running a ‘quickie’. Safe sex is  having a sexual intercourse with your partner when you are both ready for it with the aim of enjoying and getting yourselves protected from infection/diseases.

Before we proceed further, it is important we define what unsafe sex is:

Unsafe sex refers to any sexual activity that does not adequately protect against the transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) or unintended pregnancy. This can happen when individuals engage in sexual activity without using appropriate protective measures such as condoms, dental dams, or birth control.

STIs, including HIV, herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea, can be transmitted through unprotected sexual contact. Unprotected sex can also result in unintended pregnancy, which can have a significant impact on individuals and their families.

It is important to understand that while some sexual practices are considered to be lower risk, such as vaginal intercourse with a condom, there is still a risk of transmission. The only way to completely eliminate the risk of STIs and unintended pregnancy is to abstain from sexual activity.

It is also important to know that individuals can have STIs without experiencing symptoms, which means that they can unknowingly spread infections to their sexual partners. This underscores the importance of regular STI testing, especially for those who engage in unprotected sexual activity.

 Some key points to consider when practicing safe sex:

Use condoms: Condoms are a very effective way to reduce the risk of STI transmission and unintended pregnancy. They should be used consistently and correctly every time you have sexual contact. For some people, condom does not come handy, they believe they don’t get the real sensual feelings they desire with the use of condom, while some feel too shy buying a condom over the counter. However it is pertinent to know that condom provides the best protection against sexually transmitted infections. It prevent the interchange of semen, vaginal fluids, blood flow between partners engaging in sexual act. You stand at risk when you have sex without condom, except when you and your partner has been tested and certified free from infections.

Note also that the use of condom does not completely rule out getting infected because the condom does not provide a shield for the whole genital area which may be infected. Your partner may be infected with lice in the pubic area, infections like genital warts, scabies and herpes may likely spread due to close skin contact. There are also times your condom breaks which results in the leakage of semen. To avoid this, be sure you get a water based lubricant rather than the oil based lubricant. The oil based lubricant are prone to breakage. Remember to store your condoms in a cool dry place, condoms break when they have been expose to much heat.

Choose the right condom: Not all condoms are created equal.  Choose a condom that fits properly and is made of high-quality materials. Latex condoms are the most effective at preventing STI transmission, but if you or your partner has a latex allergy, there are alternative options such as polyurethane or polyisoprene condoms.

Use lubrication: Using lubrication during sexual activity can help reduce the risk of condom breakage and make sex more enjoyable. Water-based lubricants are safe to use with condoms, but oil-based lubricants can weaken latex and increase the risk of condom breakage.

Use dental dams: Dental dams are a thin, square piece of latex or polyurethane that can be placed over the genital area or anus during oral sex to protect against STI transmission.

Get tested regularly: It’s important to get tested regularly for STIs, in order to get treated for common infections. Steer clear from having sex with a new partner, it is advisable you take him/her for a test before getting intimate. Some STIs, like HIV, may not show symptoms for several years after infection, so it’s important to get tested to know your status and take any necessary precautions.

One of the safest way to have a safe sex is sticking to one partner when you are both free from sexually transmitted infections. You are at a risk of getting infected when you indulge in sex with multiple partners. You can never tell how many sex partners they also have.

Communicate with your partner: It’s important to have open and honest communication with your sexual partners about STI testing, safer sex practices, and any potential risks.

Use additional protection: In addition to condoms and dental dams, you can also use other barriers, such as gloves or finger cots, to reduce the risk of STI transmission and unintended pregnancy.

Consider using birth control: If you’re not ready for a pregnancy, it’s important to use a reliable form of birth control in addition to condoms to reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy. For the sake of avoiding unplanned pregnancy beside condom, you may use another type of contraception like the Intra Uterine System (IUS) or the Intra Uterine  Device (IUS).

Addiction to alcohol and substance abuse have a great impact on your ability to make a good  decision. They tend to ‘make you high’, at this stage you are prone to making a rash decision or taking actions you may later regret,

Avoid high-risk behaviors: Some behaviors, such as sharing needles or having unprotected sex with multiple partners, increase the risk of STI transmission and unintended pregnancy. It’s important to avoid these behaviors to protect your sexual health..

Don’t mix alcohol and drugs with sex: Using alcohol or drugs can impair your judgment and increase the risk of engaging in high-risk behaviors. It’s important to be sober and in control when making decisions about sex.

Get vaccinated: There are vaccines available for some STIs, such as HPV and hepatitis B. Getting vaccinated can help protect you from these infections.

Practice monogamy: Having sex with only one uninfected partner is the most effective way to reduce the risk of STI transmission. If you do choose to have multiple sexual partners, then it is advisable to use condoms and get tested regularly.

Know your body: It’s important to be aware of any changes or unusual symptoms in your genital area. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, such as sores, bumps, discharge, or pain, it’s time to see a your doctor and get tested for STIs.

By following these guidelines and being proactive about your sexual health, you can greatly reduce the risk of STIs and unintended pregnancy and have a safer and more enjoyable sexual experience.

Safe Sexual Activities:

1. Cuddling

2. Massage

3. Light kissing, avoid kissing that involves the exchange of saliva.

4. Intense cuddling may result in ejaculation, if you are not sure of your partner status (infection  free), you can ejaculate on unbroken skin.

5. Making use of condom. Research has shown that most people prefer having it ‘raw’ even when they are not sure of their partner’s status, they prefer withdrawing the penis before releasing semen instead of using condom! Have you ever consider what droplets of sperm is capable of doing? It may be infectious aside being able to make one pregnant.

Guidelines To Having A Safe Sex

1. It is very essential to make your sexual health a prime concern.

2. Always get yourself prepared for safe sex if you cannot abstain from having sex. Your condom should always come handy in your bag or wallet. Your condoms at home should be within your reach else ‘konji’ may likely not allow you to look for it.

2. Get used to making use of condom not only when you want to have sex but even in foreplay. It is preferable and economical than contacting sexually transmitted infections.

3. Some people feel ashamed to buy a condom over the counter, you can place your order online and get them delivered to your doorstep.

4. If you believe that condom reduces the enjoyment derive from sex, then you can drop a little water-based lubricant on your condom tip, this gives you an additional feelings and responsiveness.

6. Never judge someone by their look, don’t ever think you can tell if someone is infected or not by mere looking at them. Remember the local maxim for caution ‘E no dey show for face’.

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